This page contains a summary of changes between the official JoomBri Freelance releases, only the major changes and a few noticeable minor ones are listed here.
Changes marked with FIX need some attention on upgrading!
Click here for list of files modified.
Version 5.7.0 Stable
Build 15713 - 13JAN2025
- New Added "Reset Filter" button to the Services search page.
- New Introduced "Save & New" button for Categories and Location for quicker data entry.
- Imp Included missing "Available Tags" in Email Templates.
- Imp Updated copyright information to 2025.
- Fix Resolved error on File Manager page for fresh Joomla installations.
Version 5.6.0 Stable
Build 15513 - 13NOV2024
- New Profile verification with a "Verified" badge displayed next to user names.
- New Display of freelancer’s service offerings on the profile page.
- New View count displayed on "My Services" page.
- New Improved Escrow page with clear information on unreleased/unaccepted payments.
- New Customizable table columns now available in backend.
- Imp Codebase improved to meet Joomla coding standards.
- Fix Fixed missing service title in Outgoing Escrow page.
- Fix Resolved multiselect issues in backend.
Version 5.5.0 Stable
Build 15109 - 09JUL2024
- NEW Improved SEF URLs: Enhanced user-friendly URLs for better navigation and readability.
- NEW Optimized for SEO: Significant improvements to boost search engine rankings and visibility.
Version 5.4.0 Stable
Build 15026 - 26JUN2024
- New Disable checking for available fund when ordering a service.
- New Meta title and description set for View Service & User Profile pages.
- New Provision to delete attachments in Portfolio.
- Imp Updated to Dropzone.js library to the latest version 5.9.3.
- Imp Files added to queue are uploaded automatically.
- Fix Error uploading WebP images in Dropzone fixed.
- Fix Dropzone Cancel button clears Skills field fixed.
- Fix List of Projects menu showing only Open projects fixed.
- Fix File Manager delete file not working fixed in J5.
- Fix Minor CSS fixes.
Version 5.3.0 Stable
Build 14924 - 24MAY2024
- New Pagination added to Show My Bids page.
- New Pagination added to Escrow Payments page.
- New Added new date format (31 Dec 2024).
- Fix Pagination error in Search Project page.
- Fix Unpublished User Groups are shown in frontend.
Version 5.2.0 Stable
Build 14824 - 24APR2024
- New Freelancers can deleted or trash their services from frontend.
- Fix Itemid added to Service and Project URLs in email template.
- Fix Error sending private messages fixed.
- Fix Removed metadata.xml.
Version 5.1.0 Stable
Build 14517 - 17JAN2024
- New Password meter added on registration page for improved security.
- Imp Updated the copyright information for 2024.
Version 5.0.0 Stable
Build 14308 - 08NOV2023
- New Compatible with Joomla 5+.
- New Compatible with PHP 8.2.
Version 4.9.0 Stable
Build 14103 - 03SEP2023
- New Categories Module can link to Projects and Services.
- Imp Project and Service links are modified for SEF.
Version 4.8.0 Stable
Build 13810 - 10JUN2023
- New Replaced AddThis with ShareThis social bookmarking.
- Imp Removed unwanted CSS names and image files.
- Imp Renamed Moneybookers to Skrill.
- Fix Fixed Search module failed to search Services.
Version 4.7.0 Stable
Build 13709 - 09MAY2023
- New Added validation for URLs.
- Fix Tooltip popups fixed.
- Fix Minor bug fixes.
Version 4.6.1 Stable
Build 13402 - 02FEB2023
- Fix Minor bug fix.
Version 4.6.0 Stable
Build 13317 - 17JAN2023
- New Currency symbol can be displayed before the number.
- New Freelancers can set services to unpublished.
- Imp Updated the copyright information for 2023.
Version 4.5.0 Stable
Build 12902 - 02SEP2022
- New Compatible with PHP 8.1.
Version 4.4.1 Stable
Build 12530 - 30MAY2022
- Fix Filter users by location.
- Fix Sort users by rating.
Version 4.4.0 Stable
Build 12222 - 22FEB2022
- New List Project & Services from multiple categories.
- New Enable or disable receiving bids for projects.
Version 4.3.0 Stable
Build 12215 - 15FEB2022
- New List Services from particular category.
- Fix Fixed Project Categories on List of Projects menu.
Version 4.2.0 Stable
Build 12209 - 09FEB2022
- Imp Updated copyright information.
- Fix Fixed the ordering issue with Categories.
Version 4.1.0 Stable
Build 11801 - 01OCT2021
- New Ability to enable or disable Freelance Services.
- IMP All the email sending codes are caught for exception.
- FIX Plan not selectable while buying new subscription.
Version 4.0.0 Stable
Build 11717 - 17SEP2021
- New Fully Compatible with all-new Joomla 4.0.
- New Every single page recoded for Joomla 4.0.
- New All the class names are namespace for the latest PHP version.
- New Fresh and new look & feel.
- New More Search Filters added at the backend.
- New Minor CSS changes.
Version 3.8.0 Stable
Build 11404 - 04JUN2021
- New Buyers can filter their favorite users.
- Imp Contact number is made a required field.
- Imp Portfolio is set to Published by default.
- Imp Minor CSS changes.
Version 3.7.0 Stable
Build 10702 - 02NOV2020
- New Admin can Refund the plan subscription.
- New Added logic in frontend for zero budget projects.
- New Plugin event onAdminRefundSubscription added.
Version 3.6.0 Stable
Build 10619
- New Plugin event onAdminApproveDeposit added.
- New Plugin event onAdminApproveWithdraw added.
- New Plugin event onAdminAddOrDeductFund added.
Version 3.5.0 Stable
Build 10605
- Imp User can share his own profile page.
- Imp Show name or username in the router url.
- Fix Latest Projects page to show only Open projects.
- Fix Project commission calculation in the invoice.
- Fix Changed to landing page of PayPal after payment.
- Fix Minor CSS fixes.
Version 3.4.0 Stable
Build 10518
- New Override CSS with custom.css
- New Addition of trigger event onSubscriptionAfterSave.
- Imp Backend: Duplicate queries removed from Show Users.
- Fix Hardcoded backgroud colors removed from home and menu.
- Fix Backend: Cannot delete files from File Manger.
- Fix Backend: Fixed saving project with empty status.
Version 3.3.0 Stable
Build 10313
- FIX Reporting Action fixed for PHP 7.4.
- FIX Warning fixes for PHP 7.4.
Version 3.2.0 Stable
Build 10216
- New All new range slider library with touch support.
- Fix Collapse menu fix on JoomBri Menu module.
- Fix Fixed empty link to Categories module in the thumbnail view.
- Fix Fixed minor CSS issues on mobile view.
- Fix Portfolio images cannot store more than 4 images.
Version 3.1.0 Stable
Build 10202
- NEW Bootstrap Framework updated to 4.5
- IMP Minor CSS improvements.
- Fix Dropzone responsive fix on smaller screens..
- Fix SimpleModal popup responsive fix on smaller screens.
Version 3.0.0 Stable
Build 10107
- NEW Updated to Bootstrap 4.4.
- NEW Joomla Core library classes are namespaced.
- NEW Tags module conversion from SWF to HTML5 Canvas.
- NEW Updated the Copyright information.
- IMP Removed unwanted codes.
Version 2.9.0 Stable
Build 9620
- NEW Site Admin can save pages without closing the current page.
- FIX Warning errors have been fixed.
Version 2.8.1 Stable
Build 9421
New Search Module can search both Projects and Services.
New Updated 2Checkout payment gateway.
Fix Custom Field validation fix for Checkboxes and Radio buttons.
Version 2.8.1 Stable
Build 9421
New Search Module can search both Projects and Services.
New Updated 2Checkout payment gateway.
Fix Custom Field validation fix for Checkboxes and Radio buttons.
Version 2.8.0 Stable
Build 9101
[New] Built-in File Manager at the backend.
[New] Load More Feeds in User Dashboard using AJAX request.
[Fix] Component id was not during the installation.
[Fix] Updated Facebook callback URL which was sending dynamic session variable.
[Fix] Removed unnecessary image files from image folder.
Version 2.7.0 Stable
Build 9018
[New] Compatibility with PHP 7.2+
[New] Updated Facebook SDK to v5.7
[New] Updated dropzone.js to v5.5
[New] Updated autosize.js to v4.0.2
[New] Updated barrating.js v1.2.2
[New] Updated cropit.js to v0.5.1
[Fix] Fixed thumbnail alignment in user profile page under portfolio.
[Fix] Fixed terms & condition pop-up in user registration page.
Version 2.6.1 Stable
Build 8107
[New] Compatibility with PHP 7.1+
[Fix] Minor Fixes.
Version 2.6.0 Stable
Build 6917
[New] Added pagination to Private Messaging Inbox.
[Fix] Minor Fixes.
Version 2.5.7 Stable
Build 6508
- [Fix] Minor Fixes.
Version 2.5.6 Stable
Build 6502
- [Fix] Fatal class redeclaration error “FieldsHelper” in Joomla 3.7.
Version 2.5.1 to v2.5.5 Stable
Build 6321, 6321a, 6322, 6324, 6414
- [Fix] Minor Fixes.
Version 2.5.0 Stable
Build 6319
[Imp] Duplicate queries removed.
[Imp] PayPal IPN updated.
[Imp] And minor fixes.
Version 2.4.1 Stable
Build 6102
[New] Amended menu metadata to the system.
[Imp] Updated the copyright info for 2016.
Version 2.4.0 Stable
Build 6023
[New] Attach image to categories.
[New] Categories module can display items in thumbnail view.
[Imp] Removed redundant codes.
[Imp] Check and filter user inputs.
[Imp] Minor CSS improvements.
[Fix] Conflicting icon names fixed
Version 2.3.2 Stable
Build 5914
[Fix] Unpublished sub-category items listed in front-end.
[Fix] Pending notification for service approval to admin when turned off.
Version 2.3.1 Stable
Build 5908
- [Fix] Set Google Maps API Key to display map in front-end.
Version 2.3.0 Stable
Build 5824
- [Fix] Removed all the deprecated functions except JError and Jobject.
Version 2.2.1 Stable
Build 5730
[Fix] Guest users not redirected while placing service order [#3600].
[Fix] Redirection fixes in several pages.
Version 2.2.0 Stable
Build 5616
[New] Enhanced Profit Summary page in the backend.
[Imp] Enhanced the security of PayPal payment gateway.
[Fix] Deprecated function used in PayPal gateway (PHP 7).
Version 2.1.2 Stable
Build 5526
- [Fix] Deprecated constructor names used in gateways (PHP 7).
Version 2.1.1 Stable
Build 5414
[Imp] New logout redirection param added to JoomBri Menu [#3437].
[Fix] JoomBri Menu function redeclaration error [#3460].
Version 2.1.0 Stable
Build 5318
[New] Multiple image attachments for Portfolio.
[New] Payment gateways configurable for subscription, deposits & withdrawals.
[New] Show plan description popover in frontend.
[New] Colorize subscription plan individually.
[New] Filter users by rating and hourly rate for private invite projects.
[Imp] Latest Project module can filter project by ugrades.
[Imp] Featured projects are sorted in search project page.
[Imp] Confirm action before releasing and accepting escrow.
[Imp] New dashboard icons in backend.
[Imp] Ability to rename payment gateway from backend.
[Imp] function getDaysType formatted with JText Plural library.
[Imp] Addition of new plugin event onReturnAfterPayment.
[Imp] Addition of new plugin event onUserSendPrivateMessage.
[Fix] function projectFillInfo does not work on mobile [#3394].
[Fix] Facebook Connect fix.
[Fix] File type custom field required validation.
[Rem] Removed Run SQL function.
Version 2.0.4 Stable
Build 5213
[Fix] Issues with hourly project from backend [#3371].
[Fix] Fatal error in JoomBri Menu module [#3337].
[Fix] Deprecated constructor names used in plugins (PHP 7).
[Fix] Button CSS fix in plan selection page [#3355].
Version 2.0.3 Stable
Build 5128
- [Imp] Wrapper class added to provide fix for Bootstrap v2 & v3 CSS conflicts.
Version 2.0.2 Stable
Build 5123
[New] JoomBri Menu Brand link to user profile.
[Fix] Removed unnecessary menu related files.
[Fix] Removed unnecessary ids from gateway XMLs.
[Fix] Disable JoomBri Menu on invoice.
[Fix] Warning messages in userlist page for Joomla registered users.
[Fix] Terms & Conditions popup using SimpleModal Library.
[Fix] Search module conflicts search page with Chosen library.
[Fix] Invoice from backend showing administrator in URL.
[Fix] Invalid username in Compose page [#3270].
Version 2.0.1 Stable
Build 5026
[Imp] Updated Dropzone library to v4.2.
[Imp] Addition of new plugin event onUserCreateProfile.
[Imp] Escrow ID added to escrow related events.
[Fix] Escaped missing JText for Tabs.
Version 2.0.0 Stable
Build 4929
[New] Image attachments for Projects.
[New] Latest projects module displays projects in thumbnail view.
[New] Backend summary showing profit from services.
[New] JoomBri Menu rendered using Module.
[New] Bootstrap and responsive JoomBri Menu.
[Fix] Negative symbol for zero currency value.
Version 1.9.2 Stable
Build 4915
[Imp] Updated the copyright info for 2016.
[Fix] YouTube video privacy.
[Fix] Duplicate services for users with multiple active subscription.
[Fix] CB rendering thumbnail instead of profile picture.
Version 1.9.2 Stable
Build 4915
[Imp] Updated the copyright info for 2016.
[Fix] YouTube video privacy.
[Fix] Duplicate services for users with multiple active subscription.
[Fix] CB rendering thumbnail instead of profile picture.
Version 1.9.1 Stable
Build 4724
[New] Tax added while depositing fund.
[New] Disable filtering project notification based on skills and location.
[New] Percentage of fee added while withdrawing fund.
[Fix] Unable to select skills when maximum skills set to 0.
[Fix] Updated function getPaymentStatus for Expired status.
Version 1.9.0 Stable
Build 4614
[New] New Crop and upload for profile picture.
[New] Autocomplete library migrated to jQuery.
[New] Pending tasks shows invitation for projects.
[New] Send reminder before subscription expires.
[Imp] Hide services for expired subscriptions.
[Fix] Search User: Slider range is 0 to 0 for starting site.
[Fix] Minor CSS fixes.
Version 1.8.0 Stable
Build 4519
[New] Migration from MooTools to jQuery library [Phase 1].
[New] New pop-up modal using Simple Modal jQuery library.
[Fix] Bootstrap slider conflict with jQuery UI.
Version 1.7.1 Stable
Build 4411
[New] Hide Business Name from frontend users.
[Imp] Avoid multiple escrow payment for same project.
[Imp] Display user address in invoice.
[Imp] Replaced checkbox to chosen dropdown for skills.
[Imp] Replaced Hourly Rate dropdown to range selection in search.
[Imp] Remember previous selected tab.
[Fix] Update message status read from progress pages.
[Fix] Max Skills and Plan Settings reset to default after updates.
[Fix] Spacing in Latest Project and Categories modules.
Version 1.7.0 Stable
Build 4313
[New] Enhanced user search page.
[New] Sort users by rating, hourly rate, name, etc.
[New] New rating page for projects and services.
[New] Skills tags in project, service and user pages.
[New] New YouTube type custom field.
[New] Invoice for services.
[New] Show country flags with location info.
[New] Rate users after the completion of project.
[Fix] Location wrong ordering after saving.
[Fix] Store service order ID in Escrow table.
Version 1.6.6 Stable
Build 4302
[Fix] [MEDIUM] All user inputs are tested and sanitized.
[Fix] [MEDIUM] Rechecked entire system for missing quotes in all SQL queries.
[Fix] [MEDIUM] Removed PHP global variables.
[Fix] Empty map space shown on project detail page.
[Fix] Highlight message field as required in place bid page.
Version 1.6.5 Stable
Build 4219
HIGH Possible SQL Injection in user list page.
[Fix] Profit summary page showing wrong Profit from Deposit.
[Fix] Removed YouTube link mandatory from Portfolio page.
[Fix] Users can subscribe to wrong plans from homepage module.
Version 1.6.4 Stable
Build 4206
[Fix] Tags Module: Show only open projects
[Fix] Tags Module: Color fix
[Fix] Mootools show/hide function not working on some sites.
Version 1.6.3 Stable
Build 4121
- [Fix] Incorrect project commission when the fixed amount project commission is zero.
Version 1.6.2 Stable
Build 4028
[New] Escrow for Services.
[New] Warn about disabled user registration.
[Imp] Backend: Pagination list limit added.
[Fix] Service instruction shown on Service Details page.
Version 1.6.1 Stable
Build 4014
[New] Show or hide SEO and Upgrade options in project edit page.
[Imp] Validate empty description in post or edit project page (tinyMCE).
[Fix] Validation fix for fast delivery duration with base duration.
[Fix] Incorrect checking of lat & long in front-end not showing map.
[Fix] Incorrect Rater name in view service page.
Version Stable
Build 4004
[New] Projects are filtered by user location in notification email.
[Imp] Enhanced user search page.
[Imp] Services Sold menu added.
[Fix] Service and Project progress page authorization.
[Fix] Pagination not shown in Show Location page.
[Fix] $parent notice removed from Service-Message section.
Version Beta Build 3927
[New] Save location info for Projects and User profile.
[New] Linked Private Message to Service progress page.
[New] Ability to track Project Status after awarding to Freelancer.
[New] Embed YouTube link in Portfolios.
[New] Enhanced project search page.
[New] Google map on project detail page.
[Imp] Tabless layout for Show my Project and Bid.
[Imp] Module parameters are modified for Joomla 3.x.
[Imp] Sidebar menu modified for Joomla 3.4.
[Imp] Freelancer & Buyer commission is deducted at Fund Transfer.
[Fix] Email Preference page not loading jQuery library in Joomla 3.4.
[Fix] Project owner can invite himself for private invite projects.
[Fix] Project listing status fix in back-end.
Version 1.5.1 Stable
Build 3804
[New] Admin can review, approve or disapprove services before publishing.
[New] Buyers and Sellers can rate/review for Services.
[New] Module: Module showing latest Services.
[Imp] Updated the copyright info for 2015.
[Fix] JoomBri Menu not loading on mobile devices.
Version Stable
Build 3624
This version has been tested thoroughly to make it Stable.
Version RC Build 3611
[New] Services: Form validation in edit service page.
[New] Services: Charge freelancers for posting services.
[New] Services: Site owner can earn from Service commission on each sale.
[New] Services: Ability to share Service URL with FB, Twitter, etc.
[New] Services: Ability to track Service progress.
[New] Services: Search categories by Keywords and Category.
[New] Services: Notify freelancers upon each service orders.
[New] Services: Notify buyers upon progress updates.
[Fix] Deprecated functions removed.
[Fix] Disabled multiple accepting of Escrow.
[Fix] Pagination issues Transaction History.
Version Beta Build 3524
[New] Freelancers can sell skills through Freelancer Services.
[New] Drag-Drop file upload for Services.
[Fix] Pagination issues in front-end.
Version 1.4.1 Stable
Build 3502
[Imp] Add to Favorite is visible to buyers only.
[Fix] Back-end profile tab not showing profile details.
[Fix] SQL error: Invite a user to bid when the buyer has no project.
[Fix] Add to Favorite not working on user list page.
[Fix] Invoice from back-end showing administrator in URL.
[Fix] Confirm password verification fixed.
Version 1.4.0 Stable
Build 3424
[New] Compatible with Joomla 3 only.
[New] New Look & Feel for back-end.
[New] Ability to set user profile public.
[Imp] Hold Funds when withdraw request is raised.
Version 1.3.3 Stable
Build 3418
[Fix] Stop multiple bids by repeatedly pressing SAVE button.
[Fix] Stop multiple project posting by repeatedly pressing SAVE button.
[Fix] Server-side check for bids left.
[Fix] Validated hours per day in project posts and bids.
[Fix] Validated budget range in back-end.
Version 1.3.2 Stable
Build 3301
[New] Invite Freelancers to bid directly from profile page.
[New] Add Favourite button added to userlist and profile page.
[New] Send Message button added to userlist and profile page.
[Imp] Show scroll bar for long message thread.
[Fix] Pagination issue on invite user page.
[Fix] JoomBri menu RTL right align.
[Fix] Module Feeds & Messages to follow Private Message moderation.
[Fix] Facebook Signup use email as username if not set.
Version 1.3.1 Stable
Build 3127
[New] Private-Invite projects to invite selected Freelancers to bid.
[New] Set Freelancers as Favorite.
[New] Send Message link on project detail page.
[Imp] Project links are rendered from LinkHelper class.
[Fix] Custom Field options added to language file for translation.
Version 1.3.0 Stable
Build 3102
[New] Admin can edit Private Messages from back-end.
[New] Private Messages are moderated before sent to the recipient.
[New] Admin can set to hide bid details from other bidders (sealed projects bids).
[New] Admin can remove transactions from back-end.
[New] Admin can remove bids from back-end.
[New] Unapproved requests are highlighted on Admin Dashboard.
[New] Portfolios can be turned off for a particular usergroup.
[New] Maximum skills can be edited from back-end.
[New] Notify bid looser.
[New] Backend dashboard show the current and latest version
Entire component has been checked for Request Forgeries (CSRF).
[Imp] Inbox and Sentbox combined in Private Messages.
[Fix] getTotalFund return null valve when no entries in transaction table.
Version 1.2.9 Stable
Build 2725
[New] Buyer/Freelancer can mark Hourly projects' payment as complete.
[New] Custom Field of type FILE has been added.
[New] Re-post expired projects.
[Imp] Category ID limit on Project and User table increased from 50 to 250.
[Fix] JomSocial Avatar and Thumbnail view bug fixed.
Version 1.2.8 Stable
Build 2513
[Imp] Commission for Hourly Projects are calculated from percent only.
[Fix] Empty info box on plan selection page for 0% tax.
[Fix] Active JoomBri menu item issue - fixed for Joomla 3.2.
[Fix] Commission sign change to (-) in invoice for project.
[Fix] Mootools Utility selectors added on input[name=“”] (v1.2.8.1)
[Imp] Choose & Continue jQuery-mootools issue fix (v1.2.8.1)
Version 1.2.7 Stable
Build 2412
[Imp] Commission for Hourly Projects are calculated for every fund transfer.
[Imp] DATE_ADD function used in Expiration Reminder plug-in.
[Imp] Buyers can Pick user from Expired Projects.
Version 1.2.6 Stable
Build 2401
[New] Project expiry reminder is sent.
[Imp] New project status “Expired” added.
[Fix] Portfolio attachment fixed.
[Fix] Rounding error when escrow is accepted.
Version 1.2.5 Stable
Build 2305
[Imp] When project is reopened, denied freelancers status is reset.
[Imp] Buyer receive emails for changed bid.
[Imp] Send notification if project details changed.
[Fix] Backend: Admin cannot cancel new project (thread #1729).
Version 1.2.4 Stable
Build 2224
[New] Custom Field tags can be amended to email templates.
[Fix] Ordering issues with user group manager.
Version 1.2.3 Stable
Build 2204
[New] Buyers can post hourly projects.
[Imp] Improvement on RTL support.
[Fix] Category module counts closed projects.
[Fix] Joomla User Group is over written by JoomBri Registration.
Version 1.2.2 Stable
Build 2101
[New] RTL support.
[New] Skill/Category selection replaced with check-box.
[Fix] Buyers prompted to choose Skills from the list v1.2.2.1.
Version 1.2.1 Stable
Build 2001
[New] Multiple file attachments (upto 5) in Portfolio.
[Imp] Project Commission displayed twice for dual operation user group.
[Imp] jsafe param is added for alert functions including sprintf.
[Imp] Display error if no usergroup, plan and gateway.
[Fix] Project fields shown on profile page when no fields assigned.
[Fix] Confidential is shown for profile owners too.
[Fix] table/usergroup.php conflict (thread #1490)
Version 1.2.0 Stable
Build 1915
[New] Withdraw request using MoneyBookers and Bank Transfer.
[New] Hide contact info from other users.
[New] Logout button on the JoomBri Menu.
[New] Progress bar in registration pages.
[Imp] Payment Gateway selection with images.
[Imp] Hide contact without running any SQL script v1.2.0.1.
IE8 not submitting after selecting user group v1.2.0.2.
Version 1.2.0 Beta 2 Build 1905
[New] New User group and Plan/Pricing page.
[New] LightFace Modal replaced with Bootstrap.
[Imp] Validated HTML and CSS with W3C.
Version 1.2.0 Beta 1 Build 1821
[New] New Look & Feel using Twitter Bootstrap framework.
Version 1.1.9 Stable
Build 1723
- [Fix]
PHP 5.4 Strict Standard notices are fixed.
Version 1.1.8 Stable
Build 1715
[New] Sign in with Facebook account.
[New] Manage Private Messages from backend.
[New] Added form validation for Hourly Rate and Project Expires fields.
[New] Confirm message before accept/deny/retract bid and delete project.
[Imp] Buyer can download NDA after the project is closed.
[Imp] Check fund is split for Buyers and Freelancers.
[Imp] Duration (remaining/past) now shows years and months.
[Imp] Post project page shows the grand total.
[Imp] `valuetext` column removed from custom field value table.
Version 1.1.7 Stable
Build 1624
[New] Added compatibility with JomSocial to stream activities.
[Imp] Bid amount is checked within budget range while placing bid.
[Imp] Low bid notification restricted to Sealed Projects.
[Fix] Fixed SQL 500 error for J3.0 in optimize database page (1261#3633)
Version 1.1.6 Stable
Build 1531
[New] Ability to search users.
[New] Backend summary shows Profit From Subscriptions.
[New] Admin can Release/Cancel Escrow from backend.
[New] Project will not be submitted if the balance is insufficient.
[New] Admin can generate inoive from backend.
[New] Module Added: JoomBri Balance
[Imp] JoomBri Menu considers Joomla access levels.
Version 1.1.5 Stable
Build 1419
- [New] Limit number of projects/bids based on their membership.
Version 1.1.4 Stable
Build 1406
[New] File downloads (from projects, portfolios, private messages) made over PHP script.
[New] Optimise database feature which removes deleted users from JoomBri tables.
[New] Filter projects from a particular category in menu.
[Imp] Joomla user group selection made into checkboxes in User Groups?.
[Imp] User group and category select list instead of IDs.
[Fix] Buyer can bid on his own project.
[Fix] Currency formatting error.
Version 1.1.3 Stable
Build 1326
[New] Ability to skip plan selection page during registration.
[Imp] Free plans do not show “Checkout” page.
Version 1.1.2 Stable
Build 1318
[New] Ability to show Real Names instead of Usernames.
[New] Invoice for project commission deducted.
[Imp] Itemid replaced with JRoute::_('index.php').
[Imp] Currencies formatted using function formatCurrency.
Version 1.1.1 Stable
Build 1309
[New] Discussion Forum or Public Clarification Board added.
[Imp] Fund info shown in plan selection page.
Version 1.1 Stable
Build 1219
[New] Charge for posting projects and bidding.
[New] Freelancers are checked for enough fund while accepting the offer.
[New] Added Meta description and keywords for projects.
[New] Project attachments not downloadable for guests.
[New] Disable users to post/bid projects after plan expiry.
[New] Buyers can remove projects posted by them.
[New] Direct link to project on new project notification email.
[New] Limit portfolio based on memberships.
[Imp] Business name hidden for freelancers.
[Imp] Payment gateway is disabled for zero amount plans.
[Imp] Custom tooltip changed to system tooltip CSS.
[Imp] Available tags added for email templates.
[Imp] Custom fields for projects editable from backend.
[Fix] Templates CSS break for pages with HTML Tabs
Version 1.1 Beta 2 Build 1201
[New] Portfolio feature added to allow users to showcase their previous projects.
[New] Ability to enable/disable Escrow and Withdraw payments.
[Imp] Payment notification has been restructured (for PagSeguro).
Version 1.1 Beta 1 Build 1114
[New] Compatible with Joomla 3.0
[Imp] NDA signing made simpler with automatic digital signature.
Version 1.0.9 Stable
Build 1026
[New] Brithdate field type added.
[New] AJAX search for categories field.
[New] Added script to uninstall modules and plugins while uninstalling.
[New] Project upgrade - NDA added.
[New] Attach files in bids page while sending PM.
[New] Compatible with FaLang (for multi-language site).
[Imp] darkwing-LightFace replaced with v0.97
[Fix] Usergroup edit page showing Project fields - hidden.
[Fix] Sub-categories not shown in search page.
Version 1.0.8 Stable
Build 1008
[New] Picture displayed in user profile page.
[New] Detailed Rating added to user profile page.
[New] Dashboard showing pending user's actions.
[New] Feeds & Messages module can show Unread items.
[Imp] User info (skills, etc) are editable with CB/JS profile.
Version 1.0.7 Stable
Build 0917
[New] Freelancers receive projects relevant to their skills.
[New] Email notification Preferences.
[New] Module: Added new module to show News Feed and Private Messages.
[New] Module: Statistics module can show total Open Projects.
[New] Plugin: Added new Search plugin to search JoomBri database.
[Imp] Categories are grouped in select field.
Version 1.0.6 Stable
Build 0811
[New] Generate and print invoice for Memberships, Fund Deposits and Withdrawals.
[New] Plan detail page added in Subscription History.
[New] Custom Fields for Projects.
[New] New Payment Gateways - Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout.
[New] Project list can show Open, Frozen, Closed, Featured, Sealed, Urgent and Sealed projects.
[Fix] Budget Range for large numbers shown in scientific notation.
Version 1.0.5 Stable
Build 0728
[New] Attachment in PMs.
[New] JoomBri usergroup linked with Joomla usergroup.
[New] Budget modified to be in drop-down.
[New] Module: Tags can display Chinese, Thai (Unicode format).
[New] Module: Latest can show projects from a particular category.
Version 1.0.4 Stable
Build 0717
[New] Notifications & Feeds of Bids, Payments, User Ratings, Private Messages status on Dashboard.
[New] Approval of Freelancers/Buyers by admin.
[New] Reporting for Projects and Profiles with automated action.
[New] Enable/disable fund check while picking freelancer.
[New] Social bookmarking on project & profile page.
Version 1.0.3 Stable
Build 0629
[New] Post Featured, Private, Urgent and Sealed projects.
[New] Admin can review projects before going live.
[New] RSS Feed for latest projects.
[New] Remaining time shown in days, hr, min, sec format.
[New] Module: Recent Users module can show Top-Rated users.
[New] Module: JoomBri Statistics created.
[Imp] Only users set to receive System Email will receive admin related e-mails.
Version 1.0.2 Stable
Build 0612
[New] AJAX user suggestion and Send PM button on profile page.
[New] Ability to disable JoomBri Menu.
[New] Integration with JomSocial and Community Builder.
[New] User list page showing all the users (categorize by user groups).
[New] Plugin: Registration Redirector plug-in created.
Build 0618
[Fix] Unable to create “Main Category” in the back-end.
[Fix] Registered users cannot choose JoomBri Roles.
Version 1.0.1 Stable
Build 0531
[New] Built-in private messaging system in threaded view.
[New] Review count and Rating value shown in Bid list, Profile and Pick user pages.
[New] Form validation added to Place Bid form.
[Fix] Fatal error while creating new custom field.
Version 1.0.0 Stable
Build 0501
New Initial stable version