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This module shows the list of Recent and Top-Rated users.

How does it look like?

All Users

Top Rated Users

Available Parameters

Extending Functionality

This module is a multi-functional extension which lets Administrator to display different user groups.

  1. Freelancers
  2. Buyers
  3. Freelancers & Buyers

To extend the functionality of this module,

  1. Install the module and enable it the Module Manager
  2. Edit the module and enter the User Group ID you want to show.
  3. Save and exit.
  4. Then check the module you just saved and click on the Duplicate button at the top-right toolbar.
  5. Do the same as mentioned in the step 2 to the show the user group you want.

Language Files

  • <root>/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jblanceusers.ini
  • <root>/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jblanceusers.sys.ini