New Job
New or Edit Job
This page allows you to add or edit jobs posted on the website. Enter all the required information and click on the Save button.

- Hits: 355
This page allows you to add or edit jobs posted on the website. Enter all the required information and click on the Save button.
This page lists all the jobs posted by the current employer. Clicking on the Applications link will take you the page that shows all the applicants for the posting.
JoomBri Careers comes with built-in subscription model so that you don't need third-party extensions.
Choose your desired plan and payment gateway and click on Continue button.
The checkout cart will be shown as below which contains brief information about the plan. Click on the Checkout button to continue to the payment gateway and complete the payment.
This page shows a list of plans the employer has subscribed to. If the payment is not complete or pending, the system gives an option to complete the payment.
This page gives you information about the plan and subscription details.