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Profit Summary

This page shows the projected profit summary from,

  • Projects
  • Services
  • Deposits
  • Withdrawals
  • Subscriptions

When is profit realised?

As mentioned earlier, the above values are projected only and you will not realise them immediately into your PayPal or any account. It has been explained below.


In this illustration, we assume a buyer B is depositing fund into his account and utilizes it for posting projects and project upgrades and transfer remaining to freelancer F.

Deposit Amount $1000.00
Deposit Fee $10.00
Project Posting $5.00
Project Promotion $15.00
Project Commission $80.00
Escrow Transfer 1)$800.00
Withdrawal Amount $755.00
Withdrawal Fee $5.00

Buyer Account:

$1000 - $5 - $15 - $40 - $800 = $140

Freelancer Account:

-$40 + $800 - $5 = $755 (Withdraw request is raised for this amount)

Admin Account:

$1010 - $755 = $255

In the above line, $1010 is the amount deposited by Buyer and $755 is the amount withdrawn by Freelancer. Finally, the Admin will have $255 in his PayPal account.


$110 + $140 = $255

1) Project value: $800; hence 5% + 5% commission from both B and F